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The glycolic acid facial peel is an ideal cosmetic treatment to improve the appearance of blemishes, scars, and fine lines and to treat skin conditions such as acne. A single application of this organic peel is enough to notice positive results in the appearance of the face.


At Estetica Solution we know how important it is to have a uniform and healthy-looking skin, for this reason we explain in detail what the glycolic acid facial peel is for and what its benefits are.

What is a peel and what is it for?

First, let's start by explaining what a facial peel consists of and when its application is considered necessary. Peeling is a technique of exfoliation or peeling of the superficial layers of the skin. To carry out this treatment, a specific substance is applied to the face that acts on the epidermis, eliminating dead cells to renew the tissue and improve its appearance.


A peel is used primarily to remove skin blemishes that have been caused by sun exposure, acne, and other health problems such as hormonal disorders. However, as the peeling removes dead cells, it is of great help to activate blood circulation, activate the production of collagen fibers, improve the absorption of beauty products and treatments, provide luminosity, improve skin tone, reduce pores and fight the first wrinkles.


There are different types of treatments, chemical peels are usually much stronger since they use substances or equipment that act in the deepest layers of the skin. Organic peels are made with substances of natural origin and exfoliate the superficial layers of the tissue.

What is a glycolic acid peel?

Glycolic acid peel is an organic peel, since this substance is derived from sugar cane, that is, it is of natural origin. This substance accelerates the natural process of exfoliation of the skin, allowing to eliminate the superficial layers of the same or dead cells.


This type of peeling is carried out by applying a mixture of glycolic acid with a neutralizing substance rich in proteins to the clean face, which allows the acid to act while calming the skin.


Once the mixture has acted on the skin and exfoliation has been carried out, the glycolic acid is removed with plenty of cold water and a serum-based cocktail is applied that may contain collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid or circus. The substances to be applied vary according to the needs of each skin. Given that after the peeling the pores are cleaner, the face is at the optimal moment to deeply absorb any nutrient or aesthetic treatment applied to it.


To finish the peeling, a mask is applied with a soothing, decongestant and repairing effect that favors the regeneration and hydration of the tissue. After the peel, it is important to use sunscreen every day, as the acid peel removes layers of skin and leaves the tissue more prone to sun spots.

In which cases is this peeling recommended?

  • Sun-stained skins.

  • People who suffer from acne.

  • To improve and eliminate scars.

  • To prevent sagging.

  • To achieve a uniform skin color.

  • To reduce open pores.

  • For deep cleansing and hydration.

Benefits of a glycolic acid facial peel

The results of a glycolic acid peel are amazing. From the first session you will be able to see the most luminous, hydrated, uniform and clean face. Also, some very superficial stain may have disappeared.


Among the most prominent benefits of this treatment we find:

  • The skin recovers its tone, volume and firmness.

  • Pores are reduced in size.

  • The wrinkles around the lips are hidden.

  • It regulates the production of sebum in the sebaceous glands, therefore, it decreases the formation of acne pimples.

  • Improves the appearance of scars.

  • Combat the formation of the first wrinkles.

  • The skin looks cleaner and healthier.

The number of sessions to be carried out should be indicated by a professional after a deep analysis of the face. At Inout we are here to help you, any questions or additional information you need about this treatment can be consulted with us.

The importance of going to a professional center

Glycolic acid can be administered to the skin in different concentrations, even today we find many cosmetics for sale that offer to perform a home peel with this substance. However, it is important to note that this acid can act very abrasive on the skin if not handled responsibly.

In dermatology there are treatments that suggest the application of 5% glycolic acid and others that require the use of this substance concentrated in 70%. Therefore, the handling and application of this acid should only be done by professionals in dermatology and aesthetics.

Irresponsible use of this substance can cause severe skin problems. Before doing a peeling at home, consult your doctor or go to a professional aesthetic center such as Estetica Solution, where we will guide you ensuring the health and well-being of your skin to the maximum.



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