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Today almost all of us suffer from an information overload in the mind. So much so that it is not uncommon to suffer from stress, insomnia, psychological disorders of all kinds and, in the best of cases, one or more internal voices that create a constant and limiting noise that clouds our lives.


But let's go step by step…


Thoughts are a form of energy that is electrically charged. When we think a lot, our brain becomes overloaded, causing it to be on a Beta wave frequency. This type of frequency blocks us, makes it extremely difficult to relax and raises the level of stress with the problems that all this entails.


Access Bars is a manual application technique that achieves, through gentle touches on certain specific points of the head, that the brain waves change, going from Beta waves (waking state) to Theta or Delta waves (states of deep relaxation).

But is that just Access Bars?


No, there is much more, and if you want to discover it, you just have to keep reading.


Access Bars is a process that activates 32 energy bars located in the head. Each of these bars contains information on certain areas of life (money, control, creativity, power, sexuality, body, aging, joy, sadness, etc.). The information that these bars contain are the points of view that you have been creating and making meaningful throughout your existence and that, in one way or another, keep you anchored and prevent you from improving in some aspect of your life.


When stimulated, the bars begin to discharge and eliminate information (electrical charge). It is literally about formatting our brain, as if it were a hard drive.


Does that mean that you will lose valuable information for you? That you will forget names, important data or vital memories? NOT AT ALL.


Access Bars does not erase this type of information, let's call it objective, but, for example, it will make points of view disappear, perceptions such as "men are bad" or "you have to suffer to get what you want" whether you are aware of them or not . These ideas settled in your mind are limiting your ability to receive much more from this life.


And what does it feel like after those bars are activated in an Access Bars session?
The first symptom is usually a deep relaxation that has almost never been experienced before. Many people fall asleep during the session, others enter a state of sleep, in which they appear asleep but are conscious. In this state of mind, the unconscious begins to release and eliminate the garbage accumulated for years in a gentle and pleasant way. The second symptom is usually a feeling of peace and clarity of mind, which is very rare for most people.


In the days following the session, a feeling of greater security and confidence in yourself surrounds you, greater creativity, more ease and joy when it comes to relating, and more pleasure and dynamism as far as the physical is concerned.


And does the same thing happen to everyone? No, this is what most of us describe, in some cases the experience has been even better.

Do you want to know what else happens after a session?

The limiting thoughts and judgments that inhabited your head begin to disappear. You stop acting based on the past or fear of the future to live fully connected with the present.


What you previously thought was difficult or impossible happens with less or no effort on your part. The infinite possibilities begin to show in your life and for the first time in years you have the possibility of (real) choice again, not to choose based on your old and obsolete thoughts or feelings that limited you, but based on your knowledge of the moment. Present.


Access Bars is the beginning of a paradigm shift and a different way of working in the world. It is so easy that it seems a lie, I know, and so profound that it leaves more than one person speechless, but when you experience it you will understand what I am talking about.


Who is Access Bars suitable for?
For people with all kinds of problems generated by stress.
For entrepreneurs who want to improve their performance without increasing their stress.
For children with low self-esteem, poor school performance, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD and ADHD).
For pregnant women who want to improve their mood and avoid transmitting stress to their baby.
For artists who want more ease or creativity when creating.
For lovers of meditation, who no matter how hard they seek it, cannot find that promised peace of mind.
For people who feel blocked and unhappy without knowing why, Access Bars cleanses the unconscious at such a deep level that it is not necessary to know what is blocking us.

For all vital explorers who want to go far beyond where they are now and open up to its infinite possibilities.
The electrical charge is what sustains the thoughts that limit access to consciousness, the one that keeps us in the experience of polarity / duality (for example: thought-feeling, good-bad, etc.) to which we are accustomed. However, when our experience of “uniqueness” disappears, the one that meditators and yogis seek, it becomes easy, accessible and direct and its experience much more intense and active. You will stop acting from thoughts, feelings and emotions to do it from being, knowing, perceiving and receiving.


What can this change in your life?
That is something that only you with your experiences and your choices can discover, but the simple fact of being exposed to the direct experience of pure consciousness is already transformative, and can generate changes far beyond what we can imagine.

In my case, at first the experience was that of not having thoughts. I could enjoy a huge space in my mind, a space that before was constantly occupied by one kind of thoughts or another, and that I had practiced several kinds of meditation. However, with only an hour of Access Bars, lying down, receiving this pleasant process, my mind was silent for many hours and even days.


In the following sessions, a state of happiness and joy was created for no apparent reason, like children, playful and carefree, but at the same time creative and much more active and productive than before.


And more recently I have been enjoying states of communion with everything or, as I call them, "orgasmic", where I am vibrating in the joy of being, just being. This is not always the case, but it is a state or moment of being that allows me to very easily recognize my true nature and, therefore, get rid of what is a lie in my life.


But ... where does this technique come from? Who created it?
Access Bars emerged in the United States, and was brought into this reality by Gary Douglas almost 30 years ago.

Gary Douglas, after years of doing what was supposed to bring him happiness without getting the results he hoped for, and after trying numerous techniques and methods to achieve it, he reached a saturation point where he could no longer do it.

He realized that there had to be something more in life, something better, greater than what had been taught or sold to us, and that if it did not exist, he was no longer interested in staying here. Then he started throwing questions out into the universe, and he completely surrendered to whatever it was that brought him.


He began to ask: "What can I Be, Do, Have, Create or Generate that is going to make my life and the world a better place?" "What can I Perceive, Know, and Be that deserves to live life?"

This led him to recognize his talents and gifts to channel information and perceive energy where people were limiting and blocking themselves.


By giving this service to the people, he realized that the people were willing to receive much less than what he had to give. Gary could give them information on how to change their life completely and they just wanted to receive how to change the color of the walls of the house.


Then he began to ask the universe another question: "How would I like my life to be?"

By being open to receiving that information, the answer to your question opened the door for something more than what was on your mind to present itself. Then she got a call from a person who wanted her to refer to the massage therapist.

Gary realized that the energy of that request was the same as that of his question and agreed to do the channeling. From that meeting emerged the 32 points in the head that we now call 'bars'. He also became aware that the bars are a tool to help people move in a different way in this reality. He understood that his role in the world was to share and teach this technique and he began to teach courses on it and thus give people the necessary tools to discover their potential, facilitating change and becoming really themselves.


Since then Gary Douglas has not stopped spreading Access Bars traveling around the world, improving and making life easier for thousands and thousands of people.


Access Bars is a technique that is spreading throughout the world and more and more of us dare to take the step and discover all the benefits it can bring us. It already has facilitators in more than 50 countries and this number continues to grow. In Spain we have been making it known for 3 years, facilitating awareness and change to hundreds of people since then.


Access Consciousness
The Access Bars are just the tip of the iceberg, the cornerstone of something bigger called 'Access Consciousness'.

Access Consciousness is a set of tools and processes that have been designed to increase people's awareness. Consciousness includes everything, without judgment. It is the ability to be fully aware, fully present in all areas of your life.

'Consciousness' is the quality of being constantly open to more possibilities, more alternatives, with the result of living more fully.


Within Access Consciousness there is very different and totally practical information to help you improve and change any area of ​​your life, be it economics, health, sex, professional life or interpersonal relationships. Access helps you to recognize your inner wisdom, identify what is correct, full and true for you among all the tangle of information that circulates today in the world and, thus, begin to create your life in a conscious way, from a point active in which you will be connected with life and with your own wisdom.


Initiation to Access Bars
In order to get started in the application of this discipline, it is necessary to receive a specific minimum training. An official Access Bars course lasts one day and in it you learn the theoretical foundations of the technique, some complementary processes and the manual process. 4 Access Bars sessions are held; in two of them you receive the process and in the other two you carry out the process.


Once a course is completed, you can give sessions, to family, friends and clients, and even charge for it, once you feel confident enough to do so. Access Bars is a process that anyone can learn, and it is designed to be easy to give and has no contraindications.


With Access you will stop living based on the answers that constantly limit you to start living based on questions that will help you consciously create a new reality in which you will feel like a fish in water. Are you willing to experience a fullness beyond what you can currently imagine?

We invite you to schedule a consultation and / or learn about this most interesting and revolutionary therapy.


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